This morning, Babble presented the Disney Citizen Kid Google Hangout, a special live online event where parents from Disney’s Citizen Kid web series and bloggers from shared tips and advice about how they’ve helped their children embrace their interests and talents to do extraordinary things in their communities.
Farah Miller, executive editor of Huffington Post‘s family and relationships section led the roundtable discussion where viewers joined the conversation to ask questions, offer comments and share stories of amazing kids they know by using #CitizenKid on Twitter and Facebook.
Walt Disney once said, “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children,” and theCitizen Kid series demonstrates the amazing things kids are capable of when parents, guardians and loved ones give young minds the freedom and encouragement to live their dreams. Milk, the series’ exclusive sponsor, helps fuel active, successful days by encouraging families to start every day with milk.
View episodes of Citizen Kid at, with new episodes going live every Wednesday.