‘Only Disney Can Do That’: What Disney Means to Its Cast Members

As The Walt Disney Company celebrates its 100th anniversary, it’s important to remember the most vital part of this magical company: its Cast Members and employees.

Walt Disney once said that “whatever we accomplish is due to the combined effort.” And while Disney has evolved in many ways over the years, Walt’s vision in the combined effort of those who work at Disney to create stories of optimism for all has been a bedrock of the company since its inception in 1923.

For many Cast Members, Disney also means something in return. It’s a place of fun, family, and fantasy that connects so many to the past while helping them look onward to the future.

To celebrate the company’s 100th anniversary, Disney asked many of its Cast Members from all over the company and all over the world to speak about what Disney means to them and what makes Disney special.

Here’s what they had to say.